Bianca and Volta is a conversation on one of the ways to become an illustrator and on the many different aspects that this career can have. What is the aim of an illustration, what works and what doesn’t, having a defined style or always experiment, many questions spark when the tip of the pencil is about to touch the paper. A display of personal and professional projects, realized by two, four – or more – hands to talk about the creative process as well as the other side of the coin, an open reflection on how wonderful and hard studying and working in the field of illustration can be.
November 9
17:35 - 17:50

Bianca Sangalli Moretti studied design at ISIA in Florence, to then move and study illustration at ISIA in Urbino, where she is now graduating with a thesis on narration. From 2018, she collaborates with Gianluca Patti, four-hands-drawing for Zanichelli, Mantova Ambiente, Indiem Magazine and more.